Daily Deal

Over the last several years, J. Crew has consistently put out some really interesting, high quality jewelry. Heavy on the rhinestones and crystals, it can sometimes read a little too pretty for my taste. What really makes me swoon is when they incorporate a little edge- in the form of studs, spikes, or in this case, tassels. 

This is not the cheapest item I'll ever write about, but I think the right person could get a lot of mileage out of it.  It would add a bohemian touch to a chunky sweater and destructed jeans combo or be the perfect conversation starter layered over your basic white blouse at the office. Not convinced? Check out their other additional 50% off jewelry deals here

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Dark Romance

In honor of the rainy day here in Brooklyn, I'm doing a round-up of dark, romantic jewelry from Bluefly today. These pieces have a moody, voodoo quality that will add that perfect edge to your fall and winter wardrobe. 

And if you're really good, imagine what amazing holiday gifts these would be? 

links clockwise from top left: ring, bracelet, bangles, necklace, earrings, ear cuffsring